YEMEN Press Agency

Bani Hashish tribes declare general mobilization to support of fronts

SANAA, Jan. 29 (YPA) – Tribes and sheikhs of Bani Hushish district of Sanaa to declare a general mobilization to support of fronts and for deterring the escalation of the Saudi-led coalition against the Yemeni people.

In a tribal meeting, the participants condemned the crimes have been committed by the coalition forces for 7 years.

They also denounced the silence of the international community towards the blatant crimes of the aggressive coalition against citizens, which are inconsistent with international and humanitarian laws.

The tribes stressed the importance of strengthening cohesion and responsible work to move forward in confronting the criminal coalition.

The meeting praised the first and second Yemen Hurricane operations, Aiesar, which were carried out by the missile force in depths of the Saudi and Emirati depths, in response to their crimes in Yemen.