YEMEN Press Agency

State of emergency imposed in Darfur

DARFUR, Aug. 08 (YPA) –  The Government of Sudan’s North Darfur declared emergency in Kalogui town and sent military reinforcements.

According to Sudan Tribune, the move was in an attempt by the North Darfur government to end a bloody armed conflict amid intense tribal tension.

At least three were killed and ten others wounded in the deadly fighting erupted in North Darfur state between former rebel fighters and Arab armed men on Friday, as each party accuses the other of igniting the fighting.

The North Darfur State Security Committee issued a statement saying it had decided to “make the area of Kalogui and its nearby regions, as an emergency zones, where the gatherings and movement are prevented without permission”.

The Security Committee sent military reinforcements in 45 vehicles to join the forces in conflict-ridden areas.