YEMEN Press Agency

17 journalists targeted by Pegasus file complaint with Reporters Without Borders

SANAA, Aug. 06 (YPA) – Seventeen journalists from seven countries, who were listed as potential or actual victims of surveillance through the “Pegasus spyware”  have joined Reporters Without Borders (RSF) in filing complaints with prosecutors in Paris against the Israeli NSO Group.

On July 20, the RSF and two Moroccan-French journalists had filed a joint complaint with prosecutors in Paris, calling on them to “identify those responsible, and their accomplices”, for targeted harassment of journalists,  the Reporters Without Borders (RSF ) said.

This too was referred to the UN by RSF.

Of the 17 journalists, two are from Azerbaijan, five from Mexico, five from India, one from Spain, two from Hungary, one from Morocco and one from Togo.

The 19 journalists who have filed a complaint in France with the RSF and mandated the organisation to refer their cases to the United Nations mechanisms, according to the organisation.