YEMEN Press Agency

Mass demonstrations in Abyan against deteriorating living conditions

ABYAN, Aug. 06 (YPA) -The city of Zinjibar in Abyan province, southern Yemen, has on Friday witnessed a mass protest, denouncing the starvation policies, deterioration of services and living conditions, as well as the rapid collapse of the price of the local currency against foreign currencies.

The protesters roamed the streets of the city and chanted the slogan “No to the policy of impoverishment and starvation.
The protesters announced their escalation of protests with a general strike and the closure of shops, starting next Monday, August 9, 2021 from 6 a.m. to 12 p.m., except for medical centers and clinics, according to the statement.

This escalation and popular uprising comes after the deterioration of living conditions, in which  the Yemeni riyal continued to decline against foreign currencies in the southern provinces, reaching 1025 riyals in Aden..