YEMEN Press Agency

EU Commissioner refuses to designate Ansar Allah terrorist group

SANAA, Feb. 10 (YPA) – The European Union’s High Commissioner for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, announced, on Tuesday, the bloc’s refusal to designate (Ansar Allah) a terrorist group.

In a speech before the European Parliament, Borrell said that the Yemen war has become a source of instability in the entire region, stressing the need to take decisive measures to address this situation.

Borrell pledged that the European Union will continue working through the only way to end this crisis, which is a political solution to achieve peace and stability by consensus Between the parties and the forces behind them,

Borrell noted that the bloc fully supports the efforts of the United Nations and its special envoy Martin Griffiths.

Borrell expressed his refusal to classify the administration of former US President Donald Trump as “Ansar Allah” as a terrorist organization, indicating that this matter may lead to cutting humanitarian supplies to Yemen “because no one would dare to defy US sanctions,” and continued that this decision should be criticized.
The top European diplomat also welcomed the administration of the new US president, Joe Biden, to stop his country’s support for the Saudi-led Arab coalition operations in Yemen.