YEMEN Press Agency

North Korea’s leader determines his country’s foreign policy

SANAA, Feb. 10 (YPA) – North Korean leader Kim Jong Un set the direction of his country’s foreign policies as well as on inter-Korean relations at a meeting of the ruling Workers’ Party.

On Wednesday, Kim attended the second day of the plenary meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the party and reported on domestic economic issues and other foreign matters, including relations with South Korea, according to the Korean Central News Agency.
In a report on the meeting, the Secretary-General of the party clarified the combat tasks that the People’s Army and the munitions industry will undertake this year, to implement the decisions of the Eighth Party Congress, and the future direction of work that the sector will take in the responsible for affairs with South Korea, and the sector responsible for foreign affairs.

He gave no further details about the military missions and inter-Korean issues.