YEMEN Press Agency

Health Ministry warns of health disaster as result of seizure of oil ships

SANAA, Feb. 08 (YPA) –Yemen’s health ministry warned on Monday of a health catastrophe as a result of acts of maritime piracy and the continued detention of oil derivative ships by the Saudi-led coalition forces.

In a new statements, which were held in several health offices in Sanaa and other provinces, called on the United Nations, the international community and humanitarian organizations to immediately and urgently intervene to prevent most hospitals from stopping their services provided for citizens.

They also called for pressure on the coalition countries to release the detained oil derivatives ships and allow them to enter the Hodeida port, in order to help supply hospitals and medical centers with oil fuel to guarantee continuing to provide services.

The statements denounce aggressive acts taken by the coalition to seize the UN-permitted oil tankers, considering those acts as a war crime committed against the Yemeni people and doubles its suffering.

The statements held the UN and the international community full responsible for the health catastrophe would happened because of continued detention of fuel ships and suspending the health services.