YEMEN Press Agency

4 people killed in congressional events

SANAA, Jun. 7 (YPA) – The US Metropolitan Police, Washington, DC, on Thursday, announced that the death toll from congressional events has increased to four, 3 due to a medical emergency and one with a gunshot.

Washington Metropolitan Police Department chief Robert Conte said four people died in Congress on Wednesday.

Conte added that 52 people were arrested after supporters of President Donald Trump stormed the Congress building trying to prevent President-elect Joe Biden’s victory, according to Reuters.
Earlier, sources in the American security agencies reported that the woman who was injured during a shooting in the Congress building after the demonstrators entered it died.
Crowds of the US president stormed the police barriers around the Congress building. Supporters of the US President went up to the main yard of the building, raised pro-Trump flags, and chanted slogans rejecting the results of the US presidential elections that resulted in the victory of his Democratic rival, Joe Biden.
After some Trump supporters entered the building, Congressional police called on members of the House of Representatives to take gas masks from under their seats and be prepared to use them.