YEMEN Press Agency

US Congress resumes to ratify Biden’s victory

SANAA, Jun. 7 (YPA) – The US Senate resumed on Thursday after the Congress building was closed for hours due to the storming of Trump supporters.
US Vice President Mike Pence said, at the opening of the session, speaking of the protesters who heeded Trump’s call to protest his loss of the presidential election, “You did not win. Violence never wins. ”

Pence added that the Congress building had been secured and called on the Senate to “return to work.”
For his part, the leader of the Democratic majority in the Senate, Chuck Schumer, said: Today it will be recorded as one of the darkest days in the history of the country, adding: “What happened cannot be called protests but internal terrorism and these thieves do not represent the United States.”
Earlier, the reliable documents of the votes of voters returned to the US House of Representatives building after it was evacuated from the demonstrators, as boxes of redwood were returned with envelopes after they were removed from the House due to the riots.
The Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, announced that the House of Representatives will resume the process of ratifying Biden’s victory tonight.
Pelosi said in a statement that a decision was made after contacts with Pence and others to resume the certification process for Biden’s victory tonight as soon as the Congress building is secured.
Pelosi added, “The night may still be long, but we are hoping for a smaller agenda, but we will accomplish our goal.”