YEMEN Press Agency

Tehran condemns GCC summit’s statement

TEHRAN, Jan. 06 (YPA) – The Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned on Wednesday the statement of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)’s recent summit held in Al Ula city of Saudi Arabia.

The Iranian ministry stressed that the accusations contained in the statement “are repeated, unfounded, and stemming from Saudi political pressure on the Council.”

“We strongly condemn the apparent support of some GCC countries for US economic terrorism against Iran, and we consider that a violation of the principle of good neighborliness,” the ministry said.

The ministry expressed its hope that the GCC states “pay attention to the reality of the region, instead of issuing copied statements that lead to the continuation of the current sabotage operation.”

It warned that “the Saudi regime promotes hatred and violence in the region, by taking the GCC and its meetings as hostages and imposing its destructive views.”

The statement noted that the irrational policy of some countries in the region destroys the opportunities for cooperation that Iran has provided in recent years with the aim of establishing security and stability in the region.

The ministry stressed that Iran “will not allow the GCC countries to interfere in its nuclear and missile program and its military and defense issues.”