YEMEN Press Agency

Yemeni unity’s Flag is above Southern Transitional Council building in Mahra

MAHRA, May 23 (YPA) – Loyalists of the Islah Party and Saudi Arabia, whose forces control the province of Mahra, dropped the former flag of the southern part of the transitional council building in Ghaydah city under the orders of the military leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, General Ali Mohsen Al-Ahmar, a local source told Yemen Press Agency on Wednesday.

Members of the Muslim Brotherhood militia of al-Ahmar stormed the headquarters of the southern transitional and dropped the southern flag from the building, and raised the Yemeni unity’s flag, coinciding with the 28th anniversary of Yemeni unity, the source said.

Saudi forces control Mahra province , which is considered the actual backer of the Islah and military leader Ali Mohsen Al-Ahmar.