YEMEN Press Agency

California Governor: Climate change is the leading cause of wildfires in the country

SANAA, Sept. 12 (YPA) – California Governor Gavin Newsom inspected towns devastated by the state’s wildfires, saying that “the bloody and record fire season must end the climate change debate.”

“The debate is over on climate change. Just come to California to see it for yourselves,” said Gavin Newsom.

“I spoke by phone with President Trump last week and confirmed his commitment to supporting the efforts of firefighters and health teams, he added.

The North Complex fire first broke out last August and spread across nearly 20,000 acres last week, killing at least 10 people.

The fires destroyed nearly 100 forests across the American West, an area equal to the size of New Jersey, and put half a million people on alert to evacuate them in Oregon.

Wildfires have claimed 24 lives since they broke out last August.