SANAA, Sept. 10 (YPA) – Joe Biden, the Democratic candidate in the US presidential election, attacked President Donald Trump, saying that underestimating the Coronavirus is a “betrayal” that many Americans died because of.
In a speech to supporters in Michigan state on Wednesday, Biden said: “Trump has insistently lied about the virus and the threat it posed to the country for months.”
Biden added, “He was in possession of the information, knew how dangerous the virus was, and while this deadly epidemic was raging in our country, he failed to do his job on purpose. It was a betrayal that cost the lives of Americans. ”
Biden’s comments came after publishing interview content indicating that Trump admitted last February that he knew the seriousness of the emerging corona virus and its ability to spread, but he did not convey this information to the American people because he did not want to cause panic.
The recorded interviews, obtained by CNN, and was the basis for a new book, “Anger” by journalist Bob Woodward, appeared a few weeks before the presidential election on the third of November.