YEMEN Press Agency

WHO excludes availability of vaccine for “Corona” before mid-2021

SANAA, Sept. 5 (YPA) – The World Health Organization spokeswoman, Margaret Harris, told reporters in Geneva, on Friday, that the World Health Organization “does not expect to see a large-scale vaccination against the Corona virus until the middle of next year.”
According to WHO statistics, 34 vaccines are subject to clinical trials around the world, while another 142 vaccines are still in the pre-clinical stages.
The statements of the WHO spokeswoman come in conjunction with the publication of the first results that were reviewed for the first and second phase of clinical trials of the new Russian Corona virus vaccine, in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet, which is the first anti-virus vaccine that is authorized for general use in the world, on Although it is still undergoing phase 3 clinical trials.
Although Harris did not refer to the Russian vaccine, she stressed the importance of safety and efficiency checks, saying that the third-stage trials will take much longer, in order to know the protection and safety of any vaccine.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States has addressed health institutions in all American states, asking them to prepare for the distribution of more than one anti-corona virus vaccine, before the end of this year.
Three potential vaccines are undergoing the third phase of clinical trials in the United States, including the Moderna vaccine, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and the Pfizer and Biontech vaccine, in addition to the AstraZeneca vaccine and the University of Oxford.