YEMEN Press Agency

Syria: Israeli occupation forces set fire in east of Majdal Shams in Quneitra Countryside

SANAA, Aug. 31 (YPA) – The Israeli occupation forces have set a massive fire at  barbed wire fence to the east of the occupied town of Majdal Shams in Quneitra northern countryside which caused the explosion of a landmine, SANA News Agency reported on Monday.

The fire which was set by the Israeli occupation soldiers extended to the east of the barbed wire fence in the liberated territories in front of Majdal Shams town and it reached the agricultural and pastoral lands in Quneitra countryside which caused the blast of a landmine, according to Sana.

The agency pointed out that Quneitra firefighting brigades headed for the area to put out the fire and they prevented it from extending to the farms and the surrounding forests in the region.