YEMEN Press Agency

Zionist forces arrest 10 Palestinians from West Bank

SANAA, Aug 31 (YPA) – The Zionist enemy forces arrested, at dawn on Monday, 10 Palestinian citizens from separate areas in the occupied West Bank.
Palestinian sources reported that the enemy forces arrested two young men from their parents ’homes in the Shweika suburb, north of Tulkarm.

In addition, the enemy forces arrested two young men from Qabatia, while they were passing near the “Dotan” settlement.

Special forces from the enemy army arrested an freed prisoner from his home in the town of Qabatiya in Jenin.

From Ramallah, the enemy soldiers arrested a young man from his house in Jalazon camp in the north.

The enemy forces arrested a young man from the town of Nahalin, west of Bethlehem, and delivered another report to review its intelligence.

From Hebron, the enemy forces arrested a young man from his family’s home in the city, while they were arrested from the Old City of Jerusalem, in addition to the arrest of a young man from the town of Issawiya.

On the other hand, a settler ran over a herd of sheep, near the town of Yatta, south of Hebron, in the south of the occupied West Bank.

Ayed al-Shawahin, a citizen who works as a shepherd, said: One of the settlers from Ma’on settlement near Yatta attacked him with his car and tried to run him over with a herd of sheep that he owned.

Al-Shawahin stated that he escaped from being run over, two sheep died, and at least 10 others were injured before the settler escaped.

During recent months, settlers of the settlement of Ma’on attacked the people of the village of Tawana, southwest of Yatta, in the Hebron governorate.

Hebron is the second city after Jerusalem in the priorities of settler targeting of the enemy authorities. Due to its historical and religious significance.

Palestinian estimates indicate that there are about 700,000 settlers in the settlements of the West Bank and occupied Jerusalem, living in 164 settlements and 116 outposts.