YEMEN Press Agency

18 Takfiris killed in North Sinai

SANAA, July 22 (YPA) – 18 takfiris were killed when the Egyptian army thwarted their attack on a security point in Bir al-Abd area, North Sinai.
The site of the seventh Egyptian day quoted a statement by the armed forces as saying, on Tuesday evening: “Our forces succeeded in thwarting an attempt to attack terrorist atonement elements on a security base in the area of ​​Bir al-Abed, North Sinai, using four vehicles and a number of Takfiri elements.”

The statement reaffirmed that the forces continue their efforts to secure all strategic directions of the state, eliminate the roots and eradication of terrorism, and provide security and safety for the Egyptian people.

The Egyptian forces continue their operations to pursue the takfiri elements, as they managed on the twenty of last May to eliminate 7 takfiris in North Sinai farm.