YEMEN Press Agency

Pelosi: COVID-19 is the Trump Virus

SANAA, July 22 (YPA) -US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has once again accused President Donald Trump of creating a crisis in the country, with the outbreak of the corona virus (COVID-19) epidemic.

“The president’s remarks show that he understood the mistakes he made, he wore a mask and admitted that it’s not a hoax, but an epidemic that’s going to get worse before he gets better, because of his inaction,” Pelosi said in an interview with CNN.

“It’s clear, this is the Trump virus,” she added.

Pelosi believed that if Trump had urged people a few months ago to wear protective masks and maintain social spacing, many would have listened to his advice and followed suit.

Pelosi noted that thousands of Americans have died because of the president’s erroneous reaction to COVId-19.

“We are approaching 4 million people infections,  and a large number of deaths — about 140,000, she said, adding that If  wearing  masks is  important now, it would have been better to wear it in March, rather than saying that by April we would all be able to go to the churches. (…) Let’s hope the president came close to understanding the reality of this epidemic, it’s the Trump virus.”