YEMEN Press Agency

Islah leader threatens UAE by dragging Taiz into violence

TAIZ, July 17 (YPA) – Mohammed al-Hazmi, a leader in the Islah party, threatened the UAE and its militias with broad options in Taiz province.

.”The copy of Aden will not be allowed to be repeated and executed in Taiz,” al-Hazmi said in a tweet on Thursday, referring to the UAE’s control of Aden province by its militias.

Al-Hazmi confirmed the UAE-backed militia’s attempt to drag Taiz province into the square of what happened in Aden will not be allowed at all costs.

Al-Hazmi said the request to appoint military officials and commanders in Taiz province as much as it happened in Aden is unacceptable and will be met with the use of force.

Al-Hujariya areas have been witnessing  tension between al-Islah militants and the “Tarq Afash” militias of the UAE in the city of al-Turbah, following appointing the Colonel Abdul Rahman al-Shamsani by Hadi, as a new commander of the so-called 35th Armored Brigade, which was rejected by militias affiliated with the UAE.