YEMEN Press Agency

Mohammed al-Houthi: Warnings of aggression about FSO Safer is an attempt for evading responsibility

SANAA, July 17 (YPA) – Leading member in the Supreme Political Council, Mohammed Ali al-Houthi stressed that the warnings issued by Saudi-led coalition countries about the   FSO Safer are not for fearing  the environment as they claim.

 Mohammed Ali al-Houthi explained in tweets that these warnings are an attempt by aggression  for evading  responsibility for the disaster they made by arbitrarily violating the law by arbitrarily blockade the ship and Yemen and their criminal military actions by declaring the province and FSO Safer as a military target.

 He pointed out that Americans are working to mislead the world that they are protecting the agreements with their political statements, while their practical reality is far from their statements.

 He said, “The one who calls for the commitment of the agreements is the US Secretary of State, who did not abide by its agreements with China, Russia or Iran and did not abide by the decision of the Congress of its administration.

 The Congress called for the stop support of the aggression that declared Hodeidah a military target which lead the technical team to evacuate the ship Safer. The US Secretary of State has Prevented the entry of gasoline and the sale of oil since 2015. They are the main cause of any environmental disaster that may occur, ” he added.

“Since the approval, the United Nations has not made the first step regarding the FSO Safer and we are still waiting for the team,” he concluded.