YEMEN Press Agency

American police arrest art teacher who participated in protest

SANAA, June 22 (YPA) – Protests continue in the United States against racism and President Donald Trump’s policies, while police continue to use violence against protesters.

A video of the arrest of an American arts teacher who was participating in a protest demonstration rejected a video of racism, and supported the movement and she said  “Blacks’ Life is Important ”during Trump’s election rally in Tulsa at the request of his campaign.

In the context, the campaign for the re-election of US President Donald Trump considered that the lack of attendance at the gathering that was organized in Tulsa, Oklahoma, due to the protesters spreading a hostile atmosphere, and prevented them by Trump supporters from reaching the hall that hosted the gathering.

A gathering outside the hall was canceled because no one attended, despite the election campaign’s talk that a large number of people wanted to participate, and more than a million requests to reserve tickets were received.

Also, US President Donald Trump, in organizing the first electoral festival in more than three months of closure in the United States due to the outbreak of the Corona epidemic, launched a violent attack on his opponent in the presidential elections, Joe Biden, and accused him and his party of seeking to destroy and sabotage America. Trump said Biden was a “puppet” in the hands of the radical left.