YEMEN Press Agency

Zionist occupation arrests Palestinians from West Bank

SANAA, June 22 (YPA) – The Zionist enemy forces arrested a number of young Palestinians from various areas in the occupied West Bank, on Monday morning.
The Prisoner Club reported that an army raided many citizens’ homes in several governorates, conducted searches and subjected its residents to field investigations, and a number of young men who were transferred to the security services were arrested on the pretext of participating in popular resistance actions.

In Ramallah governorate, the enemy forces arrested three citizens from the Jalazoun camp: Mamdouh Al-Ramahi, Moaz Sufyan Al-Ramahi, and Ahmed Muhammad Zaid.

The enemy forces also arrested Basil al-Barghouthi and his son Muhammad from the village of Copper, and Muhammad Zahi Abu Dhaher from the village of Abu Shkhidem.

In Nablus, the enemy forces stormed the town of Tayasir and carried out searches in the homes of the citizens before they arrested two young men, Also, they stormed the village of Thabra, south of Bethlehem, and arrested a young man.

While in the northern West Bank, the enemy forces arrested three young men from the city of Jenin, including two brothers.

The Prisoner Club reported that the enemy forces arrested the brothers Ahmed and Muhammad Ibrahim Al-Sheikh, and the young man Waseem Jihad Nazzal after storming the city and raiding the homes of their relatives, searching them and tampering with their contents, while they arrested the young, Mo’men Salim Hanoun, from the town of Anabta east of Tulkarm after his house was raided and searched, the brother of the prisoner Muhammad Hanoun.