YEMEN Press Agency

China calls on G7 to stop interfering in Hong Kong affairs

SANAA, June 18 (YPA) – The Chinese government has called on the G7 countries to cease income in the affairs of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
During a press briefing held on Thursday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Li Jian expressed Beijing’s displeasure and protest against the joint statement in which the G7 foreign ministers (the United States, Britain, Germany, France, Japan, Canada and Italy) called on the Chinese government to abandon its plan to adopt security legislation National Hong Kong.

This comes against the background of negotiations conducted by former Chinese Foreign Minister and member of the Political Bureau of the ruling Communist Party, Yang Jiechi, in Hawaii, USA with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
The Chinese Foreign Ministry stated that the senior diplomat stressed to the Dean of American diplomacy that Washington should respect Beijing’s positions on major issues, stop interfering in files such as Hong Kong, Taiwan, and the Xinjiang Autonomous Region, and initiate steps to address the damaged relations between the two parties.

Earlier this year, the Chinese government began taking steps to adopt Hong Kong’s national security legislation, which sparked new social unrest in the former British colony.