YEMEN Press Agency

Russia: Number of people infected with Corona virus exceeds 500,000

SANAA, June 11 (YPA) – The headquarters of the new Corona Virus Control Operations (Covid-19) in Russia announced that 8,779 new cases of the virus have been recorded, including 1,436 cases in the capital, Moscow, to reach a total number of 502,436 cases.

“During the past 24 hours, 8,779 new infections with the newly created Corona virus (Covid-19) were recorded in 84 provinces in Russia, bringing the number of confirmed cases in 85 provinces to 502436,” the operations statement said.

The Russian capital, Moscow, had the largest share in the number of injuries, reaching 1,436, and 724 on its outskirts. St. Petersburg recorded 312 cases during the last 24 hours.

“8,367 people left the hospital during the past 24 hours, after recovering from the virus, bringing the total of those who recovered from the virus to 261,150 people,” the headquarters said in its statement.

The headquarters pointed to the registration of 174 deaths of the newly created Corona virus in Russia during the past 24 hours, and the total deaths were 6,532 people.