YEMEN Press Agency

Corona injuries exceed 2 million, deaths close to 113000 in America

SANAA, June 11 (YPA) – Johns Hopkins University data showed on Thursday that the number of new infections caused by the Corona virus in the United States exceeded the threshold of two million, and deaths approached 113,000.
According to the latest data from the university, which is a reference in tracking new infections and deaths caused by the Corona virus, the number of epidemics caused by the epidemic in the United States reached two million, 464 injuries, recovery of 533 thousand and 504 cases, and death of 112 thousand and 908 deaths.
Earlier, the World Health Organization announced that the number of cases of “Covid-19” virus in the world has exceeded 7.1 million people, and that the number of deaths reached more than 408 thousand.
According to the latest WHO data, during the past 24 hours, 105,621 new cases of the emerging corona virus were recorded, and 3,629 patients died. This brings the total number of new cases of corona virus infection in the world to 7145539, and the number of deaths 408,025.