YEMEN Press Agency

The Financial Times: UAE companies violated arms embargo on Libya

SANAA, April 22 (YPA) – The UAE companies have shipped about 11,000 tons of jet fuel to eastern Libya, the stronghold of Khalifa Haftar, in violation of the international arms embargo, the Financial Times reported.

According to documents seen by the newspaper, the shipment was valued at $5 million at the time it was loaded in the UAE before being delivered last month to Benghazi.

A United Nations panel of experts had opened an investigation into the shipment.

Stephanie Williams, the UN’s acting envoy to Libya, told the “Financial Times” that under the UN, aircraft fuel was considered a “combat supply” and shipping to eastern Libya could be a violation of the embargo.

According to the newspaper, the documents stated that the fuel supplier was the” Afrifin Logistics FZE”, based in Sharjah.

The documents indicated that it was loaded onto a Liberian-flagged tanker operated by The FZC.

On February 11, the Security Council extended the arms embargo imposed on Libya since 2011 until April 30, 2021.