YEMEN Press Agency

Libya’s GNA forces take control over several parts of Tarhuna city

SANAA, April 19 (YPA) – Mustafa al-Majai, spokesman for the GNA’s Burkan Al-Ghadab  said on Saturday that their forces were advancing towards town of Tarhuna from five the five-axis

According to the news agencies, their forces have taken control of several areas on the outskirts of Tarhuna.

He said their forces captured dozens of forces of retired Field marshal Khalifa Haftar and killed many during the fighting throughout the day.

Al-Majai said the fighting this morning was taking place on the outskirts of Tarhuna.

Eyewitnesses from inside Tarhuna city confirmed that clashes had stopped at the city’s administrative border.

The city has a population of about one million, and the Tarhuna tribes are among the largest of Libya’s 63 tribes.

The city is about 88 km southeast of the Libyan capital, Tripoli and it is one of the capital’s important strategic locations.