YEMEN Press Agency

Jahangiri: America has failed to destroy Iranian economy

SANAA, April 19 (YPA) – The first vice-president of the Iranian President, Yitzhak Jahangiri, affirmed that America had failed in its endeavor to destroy the Iranian economy.
According to the “IRNA” agency, Jahangiri said, on Saturday evening: The Americans had planned to destroy the Iranian economy, but the figures and statistics point to something else on the threshold of the third year for America’s exit from the nuclear agreement and the return of the embargo.

He pointed out that the country’s exports of non-oil goods have achieved acceptable growth during the past two years and said, that exporting 135 million tons of goods in the circumstances of the embargo is not a simple matter, and we urgently need this year to increase the returns of non-oil exports.

Jahangiri pointed out the malicious attempts of some foreign media, including foreign satellite channels that broadcast abroad, to question the validity of the figures announced by the country’s Ministry of Health about the numbers of infections and deaths caused by the Corona virus.

He stressed that the Iranian Ministry of Health, as in other countries, provides in a coordinated manner with the World Health Organization reports on people living with Coronavirus, but these media are trying to discredit the announced figures.