YEMEN Press Agency

Gunmen attack home of social figure in Aden

ADEN, April 9 (YPA) – Gunmen attacked the home of a social figure in the southern port city of Aden, local sources said on late Wednesday.

According to the sources, an armed group boarded car launched an attack on the house of Sheikh Mahdi al-A’aghrabi, a sheikh of the Be’er Ahmed area in Aden.

Clashes broke out between the attackers and the house guard, in which the guards were able to repel the attack. The gunmen subsequently fled towards Jawla.

The motives of the attack are still not clear, one of the sources said, adding that some damages to the house of Sheikh al-A’aghrabi and the cars parked near the house have been reported.

The city of Aden has been witnessing an unprecedented escalation of security chaos, the latest of which was the storming of a car exhibition by military forces of al-Ta’izi in Sheikh Othman district, in addition to occasional clashes between armed factions.

Observers have indicated that the UAE-backed STC has lost control of their armed factions and formations in Aden, suggesting that the city is falling deeper into larger security chaos.