YEMEN Press Agency

UAE-backed militias arrest displaced man from Hodeihah

ADEN, April 7 (YPA) – The UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council militia on Tuesday arrested a displaced man from Hodeidah, on charges of attempting to assassinate the imam of the Al-Eman mosque in Aden.

The arrest and assault of one of the displaced people came after the imam of the Al-Eman Mosque, Abdullah bin Saeed al-Issai, was shot by unidentified gunmen in Dar Saad near the Safenah roundabout on Monday.

Local sources confirmed that the unidentified gunmen were riding a taxi and managed to escape after the assassination attempt on Al-Issai.

In response to the scandal of armed gang rape of displaced women in Dar Saad area in early April, militias arrested a displaced man from Hodeidah on charges of attempting to assassinate the imam of the Al-Iman Mosque.

Thirty-two mosque imams and  preachers were killed, 12 others survived, and dozens escaped after the coalition entered Aden in August 2015.