YEMEN Press Agency

China explains to al-Houthi “situation of Muslims in Xinjiang and source of propaganda”

SANAA, Dec. 26 (YPA) – The People’s Republic of China stressed that it “would continue its efforts to protect the freedom of religious belief for all Chinese nationalities. It will not allow any state to interfere in China’s internal affairs and exploit china’s Xinjiang issue, nor allow the friendship between China, Yemen and other Arab and Muslim countries to be shaken.”

The move came a letter sent by the Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Yemen, Kang Yong, addressed to Mohammad Ali al-Houthi.

“The Chinese government continues its efforts on peace in Yemen and to strengthen Sino-Yemeni relations,” Kang Yong said.

The letter included an explanation of what was being raised on the Chinese Xinjiang issue.

“The Government of China is supporting the religious freedom of Uyghurs, and what is rumoured in the media is a lot of lies and fake news about the issue,” Ambassador Kang Yong said.

He accused the United States and Western countries of “being behind the media attack on his country, to harm the relationship between China, Yemen and Arab and Islamic countries.”

“The Chinese government has continued to exercise a just policy towards minorities, advocate seeking solidarity and mutual assistance among different nationalities, and respecting and protecting the rights of Chinese minorities in the choice of religions, customs and traditions,” he said in his letter to Al-Houthi.

“It will continue its efforts to protect the freedom of religious belief of all Chinese nationalities,” he said.

China is one of the largest and most important countries that opposed the coalition war against Yemen, led by Saudi Arabia and the UAE with direct US-British support since March 26, 2015, and objected to the UN Security Council against resolution 2216 which justifies the Saudi coalition to wage war and impose the blockade on Yemen.