YEMEN Press Agency

Information Minister visits productive families market in capital

SANAA, Dec. 5 (YPA) – Minister of Information Daifuallah al-Shami on Thursday stressed the importance of supporting and encouraging local products and handicrafts based on local materials to reach self-sufficiency of these products.

During his visit to “Al-Khamis” market of productive families, which is organized by Bonyan Development Foundation every Thursday in the capital Sanaa, the minister indicated to the role of local products in creating job opportunities and supporting the national economy for the benefit of productive families.

Al-Shami affirmed that the people of Yemen are able to uplift local products and industries in parallel with the development of military industries.

The Minister of Information called for paying attention to the productive families and displaying their products, as well as creating opportunities for training, economic empowerment and skills development to protect these crafts from extinction.

He stressed the need for everyone to be highly aware of the importance of supporting local production, especially at the current stage, urging the media to shed light on the productive families’ handicrafts to contribute to their promotion and encouragement.

Al-Khamis market is attended by more than 50 families displaying their products of pastries, sweets, detergents, accessories, incense, perfumes, clothes, traditional costumes, handicrafts and crafts.