YEMEN Press Agency

Update 1: Saudi-led coalition wages 6 airstrikes on Hodeidah

HODEIDAH, Nov. 25 (YPA) – The US-backed Saudi-led aggression coalition warplanes on Monday resumed launching air strikes on several parts of Hodeidah province, western Yemen, a security official told Yemen Press agency.

According to the official, the aggression coalition warplanes carried out five raids on the northern part of City, while an airstrike hit Faza area of Tuhayat district, bringing the number of airstrikes on the province to 19 in the past few hours.

The official pointed out that the bombing caused extensive damage to the homes of citizens.

He warned that the army and popular committees will not remain idly  in the face of the dangerous escalation of coalition forces in Hodeidah.

The official blamed the United Nations and its special envoy for the collapse of the Swedish agreement, particularly this escalation coinciding with the presence of Martin Griffiths in Sanaa.

Since midnight Sunday, the coalition warplanes launched 13 raids on the northern coastal districts of Hodeidah and Kamaran Island, three of them on Ras Issa oil facility in al-Salif district, leaving material and human casualties.