YEMEN Press Agency

Six prisoners of Yemeni army released in new exchange deal: Al-Mortada

SANAA, Nov. 6 (YPA) – The head of the National Committee for Prisoners Affairs Abdul Qader al-Mortada announced that six prisoners of the Yemeni army have been released in a new exchange deal.

Al-Mortada said in a statement that that the deal was done by a tribal mediation in two fronts of Marib and Lahj with other party backed by Saudi-led coalition.

The release operation came a week after al-Mortada announced the release of six prisoners of the army in Marib Front in the deal through local mediation.

In October, 28 prisoners of the army were released in an exchange deal in the same front.

The committee has been able to release 7,000 prisoners from both sides through exchanges deals through local mediation since the end of UN-sponsored Stockholm consultations.