YEMEN Press Agency
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Yemen & World

Yemen condemns Arab parliament’s biased stance over war

SANAA, April 7 (YPA) – The Yemeni parliament on Saturday strongly condemned biased stances of the Arab parliament that backing Saudi-led coalition's war and neglecting the daily civilian casualties in Yemen, in a statement obtained by Yemen…

Russia vows ‘tough response’ to US sanctions

SANAA, April .7 (YPA) – Russia has vowed a "though response" to the recent United States sanctions, the Russian Foreign Ministry stated on Friday. "We will not let the current attack, or any new anti-Russian attack, go without a tough…

Agreement with Mercy Corps  was signed  in Mahweet

MAHWEET, April 5 (YPA) - Mahweet Governor,  Faisal Ahmed Haider,  signed an agreement on Thursday with Mercy Corps to deal with cases of malnutrition in the province. The agreement said that the  organization will support five health…

UN envoy postpones visit to Aden for security reasons

SANAA, April 5 (YPA) - UN envoy to Yemen Martin Griffith delayed his planned visit to the southern cities of Aden and Mukalla. According to a statement issued by the UN envoy's office based in the Jordanian capital, Amman, Griffith's visit…