YEMEN Press Agency
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Yemen & World

TD kills 94 during 6 months in Yemen

SANAA, May 27 (YPA) - The World Health Organization (WHO) has reported that it has recorded 94 death cases from diphtheria in Yemen since October 2017. "Nearly 1,800 suspected cases of diphtheria have been registered since the same…

WFP Ship carrying aid arrives at Hodeidah port

SANAA, May 27 (YPA) - A ship belonging to the World Food Program (WFP) arrived on Saturday morning at the port of Hodeidah, local officials in Hodeidah said. "The ship carries 581 containers of aid, which considered the largest relief…

Saudi Crown Prince Supports deal of century

SANAA, May 26 (YPA) - The Israeli daily newspaper “Yediot Aharonot” said on Friday that "the deal of the century is a mixture of ideas presented under Obama and the Clinton era based on a two-state solution but with a slight Israeli taste."…