YEMEN Press Agency
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Yemen & World

FM congratulates his new Zealand counterpart on National Day

SANAA, Feb. 6 (YPA) – Foreign Minister, Hisham Sharaf, sent a cable of congratulations to the Ministerror of Foreign Affairs of Republic of New Zealand Winston Peters on the occasion of his country's national day. Sameera Hassn

Mohammed Ali al-Houthi refutes U.S remarks

SANAA, Feb. 6 (YPA) -The head of the Supreme Revolutionary Committee, Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, has embarrassed the US administration by refuting its statements about handing over US arms to a third party outside the Yemeni conflict.…

Water Minister meets Humanitarian Affairs Coordinator

SANAA, Feb. 6 (YPA) - Minister of Water and Environment Eng. Nabil Abdullah Al-Wazir discussed on Tuesday with the United Nations Resident Representative Humanitarian Coordinator Lise Grande a number of topics related to the existing…