YEMEN Press Agency
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Zionist forces attack 3 Palestinians in West Bank

SANAA, Nov. 21 (YPA) - The Israeli occupation forces at dawn on Saturday, severely beat three Palestinian youths, at a military checkpoint near the town of Beit Fajar, south of Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank, Palestinian media reported…

4 Qasd militants killed in attacks in northern Syria

SANAA, Nov. 21 (YPA) - Four militants of the Qasd militia supported by the American occupation forces were killed and others were wounded in separate attacks targeting their movements and locations by unknown persons in the countryside of…

8 people wounded in shooting in Wisconsin, USA

SANAA, Nov. 21 (YPA) - US media reported on Friday that a number of people were injured in a shooting in a mall in Wautosa County, Wisconsin. Dennis McBride, Mayor of Wautosa County, confirmed that many "but not serious" injuries were…

TRUMP: I got 74 million votes in the election

SANAA, Nov. 21 (YPA) - US President Donald Trump said on Friday that he obtained 74 million votes in the recent US presidential election. Trump's comments came, during a press conference, to comment on his decision to reduce drug prices,…