YEMEN Press Agency
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Caracas thwarts oil refinery attack

SANAA, Dec. 12 (YPA) - Venezuela’s oil minister said Friday that security forces have thwarted an attack on a key refinery as the nation with vast oil reserves struggles to meet its domestic gasoline demands, The Associated Press reported.…

Germany records 496 death cases of Covid-19

SANAA, Dec. 12 (YPA) - Germany has recorded 496 deaths and 28,438 new cases of coronavirus (COVID-19 in the past 24 hours. Robert Koch Institute (RKI) 's data showed Saturday that the number of confirmed Covid-19 infections has…

Corona injuries exceed 70 million in World

SANAA, Dec. 12 (YPA) - The cases of the Covid-19 “Corona” epidemic in the world have exceeded 70 million, according to Johns Hopkins University of America, which summarizes data received from the federal and local authorities, in addition…

Several shells fell on Afghan capital, Kabul

SANAA, Dec. 12 (YPA) - The Afghan Ministry of Interior said, on Saturday morning that several rocket-propelled grenades fell on the Afghan capital, killing one person and wounding another, in the second attack of its kind to rock Kabul in…

Trump announces Morocco-Israel to normalize relations

SANAA, Dec. 11 (YPA) - The outgoing President of US, Donald Trump said that Morocco and Israel agreed to establish full diplomatic relations Trump tweeted the US recognition of Morocco's sovereignty over Western Sahara, which appears to be…

American forces continue to plunder Syrian oil

SANAA, Dec. 10 (YPA) - The American occupation forces continue to steal Syrian oil from Al-Jazirah region, where they evacuated, on Wednesday evening, a convoy of dozens of tankers loaded with oil from Syrian lands towards Iraqi lands. SANA…