YEMEN Press Agency
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US nuclear submarine crosses Strait of Hormuz

SANAA, Dec. 22 (YPA) - The Pentagon announced that a nuclear submarine has crossed the Strait of Hormuz for the first time, accompanied by other warships. A Pentagon official said late Monday that the passage of the submarine was a…

Moscow: Washington should return to Iran nuclear deal

SANAA, Dec. 22 (YPA) - The Russian Foreign Ministry stressed the need for the United States to return unconditionally to the nuclear agreement concluded with Iran. According to the "TASS" agency, the ministry expressed Moscow's confidence…

US Coronavirus cases exceed 18 million

SANAA, Dec. 22 (YPA) - The number of coronavirus cases in the US exceeded 18 million, according to Johns Hopkins University statistics. According to the University statistics, the number of cases of Covid-19 in the United States was…

130+ Zionist settlers break into Al Aqsa

SANAA, Dec. 21 (YPA) - Dozens of settlers on Monday stormed the courtyards of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, with close protection from the Zionist forces. Palestinian sources reported that 137 settlers, including students of extremist Jewish…

Afghanistan: 5 policemen killed by explosive device

SANAA, Dec. 21 (YPA) - Afghan media reported, on Monday morning, that 5 Afghan policemen were killed, when a bomb exploded in Parwan province, north of the capital, Kabul. The Afghan "Tolo News" agency, quoting police officials in the…

3 Qasd militants killed in attacks in Syria

SANAA, Dec. 21 (YPA) - Three gunmen from the "Qasd" militia supported by the American occupation forces were killed after being shot by unknown persons in the countryside of Deir Ezzor and Hasaka, in Syria. Local sources told "SANA" that…