YEMEN Press Agency
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US Senate votes to end Iraq war authorization

WORLD, March 30 (YPA) -The United States Senate has passed a bill that would repeal decades-old authorizations for use of military force in Iraq, a move by Congress to reassert its constitutional authority to declare war. The bill passed on…

Picture summarizes situation in Hadramout

HADRAMOUT, March 22 (YPA) - A picture of a senior security official in Hadramuut governorate alongside his son and one of his companions has been widely circulated on social media platforms in Yemen, on Wednesday. The picture shows the…

Protest in Berlin calls for ending war on Yemen

BERLIN, March 19 (YPA) - The Yemeni community in the state of Schleswig-Holstein, in coordination with Organizations of INSAN for Human Rights and Peace and Stop the WAR in Yemen - German Peace Initiative from Berlin, Germany, held a…

Coalition loses new positions in Marib clashes

MARIB, March 18 (YPA) - Saudi-led coalition forces and its militants continue to suffer heavy casualties on fronts in south of Marib province. Local sources in Marib province told the Yemeni Press Agency that units of Sanaa forces carried…

Saudi military reinforcements arrive at Aden city

ADEN, March 16 (YPA) - The Saudi forces sent on Thursday new military reinforcements to the city of Aden, southern Yemen. Sources familiar with the matter said that dozens of military armored vehicles and transport trucks left the city of…