YEMEN Press Agency
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U.S.-Saudi Aggression

Islah militias storm wedding ceremony in Shabwa

SHABWA, Aug. 9 (YPA) - Islah party's militias stormed on Sunday a wedding ceremony in Shabwa province, while Shabwa tribes considered that as a black shame and a violation for their tribal laws and traditions. The sources declared that…

Power outage knocks Shabwa

SHABWA, Aug. 9 (YPA) - A massive power outage struck on Sunday in Ataq city and several districts of Shabwa province, south of Yemen, sources said. The sources attributed the power cut in Ataq and other districts to the depletion of diesel…

Citizen’s home burned in clashes erupted in Taiz

TAIZ, Aug. 9 (YPA) - A citizen's home was burned on Sunday in clashes erupted among coalition's factions in Taiz province, sources told Yemen Press Agency. The sources declared that one of the shells hit the civilian's home and burned it on…

Fierce clashes erupt between STC, Islah in Abyan

ABYAN, Aug. 9 (YPA) - On Sunday, Fierce armed clashes renewed on Sunday between the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC)'s militias and Islah Party's militants in Abyan province, southern Yemen. "Violent clashes are taking place…

UAE imposes Emirati identity on people of Socotra

SOCOTRA, Aug. 9 (YPA) - The UAE occupation has imposed the replacement of Yemeni identity cards with Emirati identities on some residents of Socotra Island, local sources reported on Sunday. The UAE has moved towards replacing the personal…

Armed clashes in Taiz city cause civilian casualties

TAIZ, Aug. 9 (YPA) - Violent clashes broke out on Sunday between armed factions backed by Saudi-led coalition countries in Taiz province, southwest Yemen. Local sources reported the outbreak of armed confrontations in Tahrir Street in…