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Yemen army takes control of sites in Jizan

JIZAN, April 21 (YPA) – Yemen army on Thursday took control of military sites where the Saudi army and Sudanese troops were localize in Jizan border province, a military official told Yemen Press agency on Friday. Yemen army destroyed…

Aden Demonstrates against UAE occupation

ADEN, April 21 (YPA) – The civilians of Aden province on Friday made an angry demonstration against violations and practices carried out by the UAE occupation forces and armed factions loyal against the people of the south, Yemen Press…

Coalition-backed militias inflicted heavy losses in Taiz, Jawf

Coalition-backed militias inflicted heavy losses in Taiz, Jawf TAIZ, April 20 (YPA) – Coalition-backed militias inflicted on Friday heavy losses when Yemen army carried out two offensive operations on their sites in Taiz and Jawf provinces,…

Yemen army controls strategic sites in Lahj

LAHJ, April 20 (YPA) – Yemen Army force took control of strategic sites which had been taken by the coalition's pro-coalition forces in Lahj province and inflicted heavy losses on lives and equipment, a military official told Yemen Press…