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violent explosion heard in  Dhala

DHALA, May 3 (YPA) - A violent explosion was heard on Tuesday in Dhala province, local witnesses reported The witnesses confirmed that a violent explosion took place near Nasr Hospital in center of the province.  On Wednesday, an improvised…

Important mass rally in the capital Sanaa on Friday

SANAA, May 3 (YPA) - The  Organizing Committee called on Yemeni people to mass rally next Friday in the capital Sana'a for supporting Palestinian people and holy sites and rejected the American decision to declare Jerusalem as the capital…

Economic Committee announces 4th gas ship arrival

HOAIDAH, May 3 (YPA) - The Supreme Economic Committee on Wednesday announced the arrival of the fourth ship carrying a gas shipment up to the internal plunger of the red port city of Hodeidah. First Undersecretary of the Ministry of…

Coalition forces impose naval ban on Yemeni fishermen

SANAA, May 2 (YPA) – Saudi-led coalition forces imposed a naval ban on Yemeni fishermen and private boats. Yemeni fishermen have warned not to exceed 12 nautical miles from the Yemeni coast, or to approach the Yemeni islands close to…

Saudi media admits killing of 4 soldiers

SANAA, May 2 (YPA) – Saudi-led coalition media on Wednesday admitted killing four of its soldiers and injuring another by the fire of the Yemen army in beyond border fronts. The Saudi media confirmed the killing of: - Abdullah Ali Abdullah…

5 coalition militias killed in Taiz, Bayda

TAIZ, May 2 (YPA) – Five of Saudi-backed militias were killed on Wednesday in clashes with Yemeni army in Taiz and Bayda provinces, a military official told Yemen Press Agency. In Taiz, four of the militias were killed in west coast front…

UAE occupation pushes military reinforcements to Socotra

SOCOTRA, May 2 (YPA) - The military reinforcements of the United Arab Emirates occupation forces send on Wednesday a ship carrying a number of tanks and armored vehicles and heavy weapons, in conjunction with the arrival of three warplanes…