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Taiz’s governor Leaves Yemen with his family 

TAIZ, June 4 (YPA) – The governor of Taiz, appointed by the exile President Hadi, Amin Mahmoud left the province on Sunday, a local source told Yemen Press Agency on Monday. Mahmoud said, he would go on vacation to spend the rest of Ramadan…

2 Saudi-led airstrikes waged on Saada

SAADA, June 4 (YPA) – The US-backed Saudi-led coalition on Monday launched two airstrikes on Saada province, Ansar Allah Media Center reported. The airstrikes targeted a water digger in Aal-Ammar area of Safraa district, added the center.…

UAE forces attack southern leader in Hadramout 

HADRAMOUT, June 4 (YPA) - The occupation forces of the UAE on Sunday attacked by beating on a leader of the southern movement, Ahmed Said Dahdah, a local source told Yemen Press Agency on Monday. The sources confirmed that…

Army targets militias’ gatherings in Najran

NAJRAN, June 4 (YPA) – The Yemen army on Monday targeted gatherings of Saudi-backed militias in southern Saudi border province of Najran, a military official told Yemen Press Agency.  The army targeted the militias’ gathering by artillery…

Army wages large-scale offensive in Bayda

BAYDA, June 4 (YPA) – The Yemen army and popular committees waged on Monday a large-scale offensive on Saudi-paid mercenaries’ sites in Bayda province, a military official told Yemen Press Agency. The offensive took place in Natea area and…

Coalition’s Naval warships target UN boat in Hodeidah port

HODEIDAH, June 4 (YPA) - Naval warships of the US-backed Saudi-led coalition on Monday targeted a United Nations boat after it has left the port of Hodeidah province, an official at the port told Yemen Press Agency. The coalition warships…

Saudi-backed Militia  arrested in Bayda

BAYDA, June 4 (YPA) - The security services arrested one of the Saudi-backed Militias in Arash district of Bayda province, a security source told Yemen Press Agency on Monday. The militia, who is from Sanaa province,  was working…

Al-Junaid: Hodeidah Battle is a lossing bet of coalition

HODEIDAH,  June 3 (YPA) - Deputy Prime Minister for Services Affairs, Mahmoud al-Junaid, confirmed that the aggression could not break the will of the Yemeni people in three years. In a meeting of the Executive Office in Hodeidah,…

Collaborator of coalition arrested in Dhamar

Dhamar, June 4 (YPA) - The security forces arrested on Sunday one of the most dangerous collaborators of Saudi-led coalition in Dhamar province, a security official told Yemen Press Agency. The collaborator was mobilizing the camps of…