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Gunmen strangle Ataq, capital of Shabwa

SHABWA, March 28 (YPA) – The so-called "Shabwaniya Elite" gunmen cut off the international road on Monday and prevented trailers from entering the city of Ataq, the capital of Shabwa province, eastern Yemen. Local sources reported that…

Oil Minister says gas sector loses 60 billion dollars

SANAA, March 27 (YPA) - Minister of Oil and Minerals in Sanaa, Ahmed Drais, said on Sunday the damages targeting the gas and mineral sector had exceeded 60 billion dollars in the last year. The Minister Daris indicated in a press statement…

Coalition deploys military vehicles in Hadramout

HADRAMOUT, March 27 (YPA) - “First Military Region” loyal to the Saudi-led coalition deployed on Sunday a number of tanks and military vehicles in the oil-rich Hadramout Valley, east of Yemen. Local sources in the province stated that the…

Coalition breaches Hodeida ceasefire 185 times

HODEIDA, March 27 (YPA) - The Saudi-led coalition forces committed on Sunday 185 violations of the UN-mediated ceasefire agreement in Hodeida province. The coalition's spy aircrafts waged 3 strikes on the Hodeida city, Hays area, as well as…