YEMEN Press Agency

STC militia executes Young man in Abyan

ABYAN, April 26 (YPA) – The UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) militia executed a young man in the city of Khanfar in Abyan Governorate, southern Yemen.

Eyewitnesses reported that recruits from the UAE-backed Security Belt militia executed Kamel Fadl Mohammed Al-Yafei, without regard for the feelings of citizens and children in the street.

The activists confirmed that the execution of the citizen with live bullets in a street in Khanfar, Abyan, was carried out in the manner of Daesh.

Aden and southern governorates are witnessing security chaos, and almost daily crimes, under the control of the forces of US-Saudi aggression and Saudi-Emirati occupation.

They witness an increase in assassinations involving military security leaders, religious and social tendencies, kidnapping, bombings and clashes between militants fighting for influence among them.