YEMEN Press Agency
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Organized Crimes

Security dismantles 2 explosive devices in Bayda

BAYDA, June 1 (YPA) – The security forces dismantled on Monday two explosive device in Bayda province, a security official told Yemen Press Agency. The security forces dismantled the explosive device which planted on the main road by…

Military leader survived assassination attempt in Aden

ADEN, May 30 (YPA) - A prominent leader of the UAE's "Southern Transitional" militia survived an assassination attempt on Saturday in the city of Aden, in southern Yemen. A local source in the city stated that the so-called Commander of the…

Islah militia execute young man inside mosque in Taiz

TAIZ, May 28 (YPA) – Islah Party’s militias had executed a young man inside a mosque in Jabal Habashi district of Taiz province, sources reported on Thursday. According to the sources, the young man Abduljalil Hassan al-Jalal surrendered to…

Young man killed in one of Islah prisons in Taiz

TAIZ, May 13 (YPA) - One of arrested citizens, from those who opposes Islah Party (Muslim Brotherhood)’s policy in Taiz province, was found killed inside one of the party prisons in the city on Tuesday. Ayman al-Wahbani was found dead in…

Saudi Arabia executes Yemeni resident in Riyadh

RIYADH, April 16 (YPA) - Saudi authorities on Thursday implemented the death sentence against a Yemeni resident who carried out an armed attack with a sharp object on one of the show teams participating in the "Riyadh season" in Al-Malaz…