YEMEN Press Agency
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Saudi-backed commander injured in Taiz

TAIZ, Jan. 30 (YPA) – A military commander loyal to Saudi-led coalition was injured on Tuesday in battles with the Yemeni army in Yemen's southwest city of Taiz, a military official told Yemen Press Agency.

Cluster bomb blast injures child in Yemen’s Saada

SAADA, Jan. 30 (YPA) - A child was seriously injured on Tuesday in Yemen's northern province of Saada in an explosion of a cluster bomb, a remnant of internationally-banned weapons used by Saudi-led coalition in Yemen, a military official…

President al-Sammad discusses EU’s letter with FM

ANAA, Jan. 30 (YPA) - President Saleh al-Sammad on Tuesday discussed with Foreign Minister Hisham Sharaf the European Union (EU)'s recent letter to the president al-Sammad, which included positive signs to strengthen the cooperation…