YEMEN Press Agency
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Two blasts rock Aden city

ADEN, April 10 (YPA) – Two explosions were heard in the vicinity of Maashiq Palace, the seat of Yemeni resigned president Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi's government, in the southern port city of Aden, according to local sources. The two explosions…

2,900 tons domestic gas shipment arrives at Hodeida port

SANAA, April 10 (YPA) – A ship carrying 2900 tons of domestic gas arrived on Tuesday at Hodeida Port, an official at Finance Ministry said. This shipment is the first within a plan for importing 50,000 tons of domestic gas to cover the…

 Political Security director assaults wounded in Taiz

TAIZ, April 10 (YPA) – Politic Security director, appointed from the outgoing President Hadi , Abdul Wahid Sarhan, assaulted on Sunday the wounded  during the organization of a sit-in in front of the gate building of Taiz province, an…